Basic Coatings® Announces Craftsmanship Contest Winners

Basic Coatings® has announced the winners of its 2024 Floor of the Year contest. The company says this annual competition celebrates exceptional craftsmanship and the innovative application of Basic Coatings products in residential, commercial, and sport flooring projects.


Pat Goodman

Goodman Custom Flooring

Fayetteville, WV

Products Used: HyperTone™ Stains and StreetShoe® NXT



Paul Nelson

Western Sport Floors

Clinton, MT

Product Used: StreetShoe NXT


“We are thrilled to recognize Pat Goodman and Paul Nelson for their outstanding work. Their dedication to quality and creativity exemplifies the high standards we celebrate through this contest,” said Bill Long, Director of Sales.

Wood floor contractors were invited to post photos and a brief description of their installations using Basic Coatings stains, sealers, and/or finishes on Instagram. Each month, one winner was selected by panel for the sport category and the residential/commercial category. Basic Coatings extends its gratitude to all contractors who participated in the contest, and adds that after five years, the contest is coming to a close to make way for new and exciting initiatives.

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