The North American Forest Foundation (NAFF) introduced a new video that was developed to educate the up-and-coming workforce and drive qualified young people towards the forest products industry job market.
The video highlights various, often overlooked, careers within the wood products industry, and the perks of these types of positions. It also showcases the affordability of starting a career in the industry due to provided training, and the prospective career outlook. This is important, as much of the current workforce struggles through the student loan crisis. The video points to the career opportunities available in the wood product industry that require little to no monetary investment from the worker.
Vice President of NAFF, Stephanie Van Dystatd said, “Right now, with the high school kids, everyone’s convinced that university is the answer. We’re forgetting about the trades. It’s all about working at Google, or getting your bachelor’s degree. There are so many opportunities out there that don’t have to follow that path.”
NAFF’s whiteboard video is available for any company within the forest products industry to use for recruiting purposes. The organization is also offering licensing opportunities.
“Our intent is to start to introduce people to all the different career paths that are available – to get the wheels turning,” shared Jeff Durst, President of NAFF. “So often, when you think about the wood industry, you don’t think about global logistics or accounting, but there are a lot of career paths associated with the industry.”
Interested parties can watch the video and learn more by visiting: or by contacting Jennifer Reith at (901)860-4131.