Lauzon Acquires Log Yard in New York

Lauzon Distinctive Hardwood Flooring announced a strategic partnership to take over the operations of a log yard in Elizabethtown, New York, previously operated by A. Johnson Co. and the Johnson family of Vermont. Hardwood log buying and selling operations will resume in the second quarter of 2024, reaching full potential early in the third quarter of 2024.

Eric Larouche, vice president of Lauzon, highlights the importance of this acquisition, describing it as one of several strategies aimed at improving the Thurso plantā€™s wood diet. He says the expansion guarantees the supply of greater quality roundwood and, at the same time, strengthens the sources of supply for the sawmill, especially for the species that are not as native to the Quebec province.

The Thurso plant, a central element of the production network, is receiving an investment of nearly $20 million over three years. The company stated that the investment at the Thurso sawmill enhances the value of Artificial Intelligence technology by being the first hardwood mill to integrate this technology.

With control and management of more than 55,000 acres of private land and a secure supply of 90,000mĀ³, Lauzon says it is set apart by its two hardwood pellet production facilities, three flooring manufacturing plants, and a high-grade remanufacturing joint venture. Located in Papineauville, Quebec, Lauzon is poised to celebrate its 40th anniversary, and the Thurso sawmill is looking forward to marking its centennial in 2025.

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