Wood Talk: Jason Elquest – Blackhawk floors Inc.

Jason Elquest is the owner of Blackhawk Floors Inc. in Scottsdale, Arizona, where the company has been installing wood floors in the Phoenix metro area since 2002. He is an NWFA Certified Wood Flooring Inspector, Certified Installation Professional, Certified Sand & Finish Professional, an NWFA Regional Instructor, and serves on the NWFA Board of Directors and NWFA Certified Professionals Board of Directors.

Elquest recently was featured on the NWFA Wood Talk podcast, so Hardwood Floors magazine caught up with him to ask a few more questions.

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I work to pay for a severe “hunting” addiction.

How did you get started in the industry?

It is a much longer story than this, but I wanted to work with my hands.

Who has influenced your career the most and why?

At the beginning of my NWFA journey, I was able to meet people like Joe and Daniel Boone, Todd McDonald, Wayne Lee, Wayne Highlander, and too many others to list. They all are legends in our industry and have given of themselves to teach and help others reach their goals. It is inspiring and is what drives me today to give back to the industry. I will never critique how the “bus” is driven and not try to do my best to make it better. There are so many opportunities to get involved and make a difference.


What is your favorite wood floor project that you’ve participated in?

All of them! I really appreciate the floors where memories are made. If I had to pick one, it would be the expert level school I attended as a student. My mind was blown by so many talented people. We installed the floor in the boardroom at the NWFA headquarters. Having the opportunity to work with some of the best in the industry is what makes a floor special for me.

What energizes you to stay in the wood flooring industry?

I do get bored from time to time, but then I am re-energized by a particular project. It often is not even a very special project; it may be a customer who is really excited, or a cool house. Having the opportunity to teach or learn always energizes me. I had the chance to spend some time with a great furniture finisher and learned a lifetime of info in a short time.

What are you listening to right now?

I am listening to the audiobook version of “Fire and Brimstone: The North Butte Mining Disaster of 1917” by Michael Punke. I tend to have more sanding and windshield time, so audiobooks fit my schedule.

Do you have a morning routine that sets you up for success?

I am at the gym every day at 5:00 a.m.

What keeps you busy outside of work?

My wife, Michelle, and I have three awesome kids, who are just hitting their strides with the sports they love. This means that we are always at a field or gym. We have soccer for Rylee (7) and Everett (9), football for Everett, and our oldest, Gracie (13), is doing Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit. Gracie had her first USA Weightlifting (USAW) competition in April.

You can listen to a technical-focused discussion between Jason Elquest and NWFA’s Brett Miller, as well as other hardwood flooring experts by visiting hardwoodfloorsmag.com/nwfa-wood-talk-podcast.

One thought

  1. Dear Jason,
    Thank you for sharing your story and knowledge. Sounds like you have a good work life balance.
    Two of my crew were in Denver for the NWFA training school which you helped with. Upon their return they mentioned you, by name, how you helped train them. Thanks again.

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