How many times have you missed something on your estimate after going to the client’s home and gotten frustrated at yourself for missing that something? I know I have.
What if there was something that could cover all of the key points of an installation without having to memorize everything? Some sort of checklist. The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA)’s jobsite checklist does just that. It is a comprehensive document that should be an essential element in your estimating toolbox. From documenting site conditions both interior and exterior, to documenting your moisture test results, this document has all of that and more. It also is a good way to ensure the site conditions meet the NWFA installation guidelines. This newly revised checklist contains eight pages of items to consider as you evaluate a floor prior to starting work. Sections include: Exterior Evaluation, Interior Evaluation, Substrate Evaluation, Below Flooring System, and Special Considerations.
The cost is very affordable, too. Currently, it is $20 for NWFA members to purchase a pack of 50. That’s forty cents per checklist. So, if I spend forty cents to save me the potential of hundreds to thousands of dollars, I think that’s an investment any smart business owner would invest in. Another potential cost savings to your business is the fact that now you are documenting the site conditions and you will be able to refer back to them if there are any issues post installation.
By using this document on estimates, you’ll get into a routine that covers potential risks and you’ll be able to have a knowledgeable discussion with your clients to address any concerns prior to starting the installation. That, and the fact that your client will remember you over the next person that gives them an estimate when they see you filling out the checklist and you explain to them what you’re doing to protect their project.
Below is an example of a few pages for the NWFA Jobsite Checklist. Download the entire Jobsite Checklist or order custom copies by visiting
Jon this is a great tool and should be used on every job site. The real problem comes in in today’s market a lot of projects are subcontract labor. There should be a sectyspecifically for the subcontractor to fill out including company info and to ensure all the manufacture specifications have been met at the time of installation.