Hardwood Lumber Included in US-China Phase 1 Trade Deal

This afternoon President Donald Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He signed into effect the Phase 1 Trade Agreement between the U.S. and China.

In the White House fact sheet that was released at the signing ceremony, hardwood lumber is specifically called out as part of the Chinese purchasing agreement of U.S. manufactured goods.

In the actual trade agreement text, which can be found here, hardwood lumber products are again highlighted in the table on Page 6-3 under ā€œOther Manufactured Goods.ā€Ā Ā  In addition, the table on Page 6-11 includes all of the of 400 level Harmonized System Codes for hardwood lumber.Ā 

Details about how the Chinese will facilitate purchases (tariff reductions, exclusions) are still to be announced.

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