Mohawk Finishing Products will host aĀ Wood Touch-Up and Repair Workshop August 20-21, 2019 at the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) headquarters in Chesterfield, Missouri.Ā Mohawk instructors will demonstrate solutions to the most common wood touch-up and repair issues, such as:
- Damage Analysis
- Replacing Color
- Filling of Damages
- Grain Replacement
- Spot Finish Application
- Sheen Adjustment
- Scratch Removal
- Finish Care
Students will learn:
- How to repair dents, gouges, deep scratches, burn marks, broken corners and edges
- How to use sandpaper and compounds to remove scratches, raise & lower sheen and bring a dull finish to life
- Techniques for proper use of Fil-Stiks, burn-in sticks, epoxy fillers, sandpaper, adhesives and padding finishes
- Color matching principles, primary & secondary colors, effects of white & black on colors, color intensity levels and earth tones
- Proper application techniques including low odor water based coatings, aerosols, markers and brushing methods
Register at or call 1-800-545-0047.
I took this training about 7 years ago and use these techniques often- very applicable to the wood floor contractor.