Heritage Oak in Sarcoxie, Missouri, is the latest company to earn NWFA/NOFMA Mill
Certification from the National Wood Flooring Association.
NWFA/NOFMA certification provides assurance that a manufacturer’s wood flooring meets or exceeds the industry standards for grade, configuration, moisture content, and average board length.
To ensure consistency, certified mills meet rigorous production standards and are inspected a minimum of two times per year to ensure consistent grade standards are met.
“Heritage Oak is excited to be joining the list of great NOFMA certified mills,” says Zac Shepherd, President of Heritage Oak. “This is something that we have talked about for a long time and we look forward to taking full advantage of the resources and support the NWFA and NOFMA have to offer.”
A full list of NWFA/NOFMA certified manufacturers can be found on the NWFA website at http://www.nwfa.org/nofma-manufacturers.aspx.