In late November of this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that it would soon begin hosting a series of webinars to discuss the requirements of the final rule: Formaldehyde Emission Standards for Composite Wood Products.
The first series of webinars will discuss navigating and using the EPA’s Central Data Exchange platform to submit required applications and reports from Accreditation Bodies and Third-Party Certifiers to the agency. Following are hyperlinks to register for the first set of CDX webinars in this series.
- Webinar 1 – AB Specific Webinar on CDX – December 13, 2016 (1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EST)
- Webinar 2 – TPC Specific Webinar on CDX – December 14, 2016 (1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EST)
The EPA is initiating the webinar series with the CDX topic because it will begin accepting applications through the CDX platform from interested ABs and TPCs beginning 60 days after final rule publication in the Federal Register. The EPA recommends that interested ABs and TPCs attend the appropriate CDX webinar to obtain an overview of how the system works and obtain a demonstration of the reporting function for each report that the ABs and TPCs are responsible for submitting to the EPA under the final rule. Both of these webinars will include a Q&A session with EPA staff.
The agency previously announced an opportunity to attend entity-specific webinars that review the regulatory requirements of the TSCA Title VI final rule. Those webinars were scheduled to begin on December 20, 2016 for ABs and TPCs; however, all of the entity-specific TSCA Title VI webinars will be rescheduled for January 2017. Please visit the EPA’s website at for more information on upcoming TSCA Title VI webinar opportunities.