Rubio Monocoat Announces Tree Planting Initiative

For every order received, Rubio Monocoat says it is planting a verified tree at a U. S. planting site, resulting in thousands of trees to be planted by partnering with veritree.

The initiative does not stop with one tree per order. Customers are encouraged to join in the mission by purchasing additional trees at checkout. Trees are being planted in forests in Florida and Oregon, advocating for sustainability and helping to ensure a thriving ecosystem for generations to come.

The Impact Hub at displays statistics regarding how many trees have been planted, the environmental benefits, and more information regarding this ecological initiative. The trees specifically resulting from Rubio Monocoat orders will be planted in the Santiam State Forest Reforestation of Oregon and the Lake Wales Ridge State Forest of Florida. These two sites are just the startā€”as more opportunities arise, additional planting sites will be added.

Rubio Monocoat says aside from the natural beauty trees bring to the world, they also assist in reducing carbon emissions on the planet and provide countless health benefits to those who have real wood in their homes. The company added that partnering with veritree amplifies the ecological commitment of the brand while giving back to nature and reinforcing a positive impact on the world.

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