New on NWFAU: Responding to Wood Floor Irregularities

The NWFA University (NWFAU) has launched a new course as part of its All-Access Pass subscription. The course, “Responding to Wood Floor Irregularities,” introduces learners to the NWFA Technical Publication C200, Problems, Causes, and Cures. Specifically, this 30-minute course shows learners how they can use this publication to identify the cause of wood floor problems and resolve them for customers in a timely and professional manner.

The course also explains how NWFA Certified Wood Flooring Inspectors help to investigate and resolve disputes about wood floor failures, and how one can locate an available inspector in their area. Finally, the course concludes by describing the steps one can take to become an NWFA Certified Wood Flooring Inspector.

This course is now available on NWFAU as a single course or as part of the Installation and Sand & Finish programs in these learning paths:

  • 205 Install: Repairs
  • 305 Sand & Finish: Repairs

For more information about ā€œResponding to Wood Floor Irregularitiesā€ and other educational opportunities offered through the NWFA University, visit

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