Reward Flooring announced the launch of two new collections, “Meadow” and “Mill Creek.”
Mill Creek pays homage to the original “Old Mill” collection, broadening the classic, reclaimed wood floors appearance into a wider range of colors in larger format planks. The six European oak options are textured with genuine bandsaw marks straight from the saw mill, colored with all-natural aging effects and highlight natural patinas and water stains.
Contrasting Mill Creek is the clean, virtually knot free appearance of the new Meadow collection. Meadow retains a natural look and feel via its lightly wire-brushed texture and ultra-matte urethane finish.
“Today’s homeowner is far more educated and distinguishing about their flooring,” comments Danny Harrington, V.P. of Marketing & Product Development. “Driving our team at Reward Flooring to design and build unique floors that stand apart.”