This month, the North American Forest Foundation (NAFF) received a donation of $12,000 from the Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman’s Club (LAHLC). The check was presented to NAFF at the February meeting of the LAHLC.
The donated funds were raised through the club’s 17th Annual Alan Bohnhoff Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament, which pays tribute to one of the club’s former presidents, draws about 100 industry professionals from around the nation to the golf course each year.
“Even though we’re competitors, we’re a close-knit group. We like the comradery, and enjoy sharing information. We have about 250 local members, and people from back east like to come play golf with us, too,” shared Jim Gaither, who directs the tournament.
Like the NAFF, LAHLC is a nonprofit dedicated to enhancing the lumber industry. The club, which meets monthly, has made donating the proceeds from the tournament a tradition.
When asked why they choose NAFF as a recipient, the club’s President, Dan Bohannon, said, “We want to get the word out to people that wood is a renewable resource, and it’s a foundational resource. When you cut the trees down, that’s not the end of the show. It goes on and on.”
This sentiment is relayed through the NAFF’s “Truth About Trees” program, which provides teachers throughout North America with boxes full of supplies that assist in the sharing of science-based lessons for elementary-age children. The donation will help with the continuation of this program, and with the implementation of new education initiatives in development.
“We’re so thankful for the generosity of the Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman’s Club,” said Jennifer Reith, NAFF’s Executive Director. “This gift will help us reach many young minds, as we share the many benefits of the forest industry – including its sustainable nature.”