Roberta Prospeck picked the right day to shop for flooring. On May 12, the Pewaukee, Wisconsin, resident went into her neighborhood Floor & Decor and walked away the big winner in a “FLOORS $1 Million Dice Roll Challenge.”
In the Dice Roll Challenge, each participating shopper rolls a set of six customized dice, with each die marked on one side with one of the letters that, when all six die are combined, spell out “F-L-O-O-R-S.” A grand prize of $1 million awaits anyone who rolls all six letters at once. According to promotions company Million Dollar Media LLC, which coordinates and financially backs the Dice Roll Challenge at selected Floor & Decor locations around the U.S., the odds of that happening are 1 in over 46,000.
Prospeck turned out to be the one. Her throw of the dice in Wisconsin came up spelling FLOORS and earned her a $1 million grand prize annuity paid over time.
“We love that we can help our Wisconsin customers create their home projects from start to finish,” said Brookfield’s Chief Executive Merchant David Roman. “Not only are we excited to be the first Floor & Decor in Wisconsin, but we are happy to make a customer’s dream come true.”
The $1 million prize is split evenly with anyone who hits all 6 letters on the day of the event.