I write these blogs in advance of course, (sometimes days or weeks ahead, sometimes the night before!), so naturally, it’s not actually the Fourth as I type. I am thinking ahead and wondering what this Fourth will be like. We’re in a weird place right now as a country, more divided than ever. I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this—folks have stopped talking and more importantly, stopped listening. Everything has become an absolute. And it’s all win or lose, do or die, no ability to compromise or to see merit in another’s argument or position.
Yet, it really is possible to work with your competitors, to even take action that might help them prosper. There are times where you need to work for the greater good. Metropolitan encourages me to do that in whatever way I can. Beyond blogging here, I teach the Due Care classes for the IWPA with other industry volunteers, and then in other cases, have partnered up with some of our competitors to make sure our shared suppliers hear the same compliance message. We can find ways to set aside our differences to work toward a common goal, toward something that is good for all, not just for one.
So in honor of the Fourth, can we focus on the positive? Can we salute a Vet and then hug a Hippie? Look for something to compliment rather than criticize? Have a cup of coffee with someone on the other side of a debate, any debate and listen for twice as long as we talk? Share a tip with a competitor or win a sale without selling fear.
Let’s be positive today! Shake a hand across the aisle. Celebrate our history and the ideals we should be trying to live up to.
I have mentioned before that I’m a big space fan. I also happen to like country music. Brad Paisley combined my two interests in his song that I quote today…and when he asks for us to believe in impossible things, I’ll dream of a united nation, where we are all focused on winning for the country, not just winning the argument…
How do we honor
Those who have fallen
And died for this dream
I’m sure of one thing
It’s not with gridlock
Or bickering
We’re the children of explorers
We came here from every corner
The adventurers that settled this land
Lead the world, fought tyranny
Touched the stars, brought liberty
Let’s do that again
Tonight I dare you to dream
Go on believe impossible things
Whenever anybody says
There’s anything we can’t do
I mean after all
There’s an American flag on the moon
–American Flag on the Moon
Thank you Elizabeth, well said! There is much to learn from each other……… if we will just listen.
May God bless the USA!
Ken E.