While you may not have realized it, when you opened the February/March issue of Hardwood Floors Magazine, you opened a new chapter for our publication. This edition marks a significant step in the magazine’s journey. For the first time, Hardwood Floors Magazine is being produced in-house by NWFA staff. It is a big change, and one that we embrace as we seek ways to better serve our industry.
With this management shift, you will see some other changes as well: a bold new look, more technical articles based on industry guidelines, business best practices, timely industry news, and a focus on our members and how they are impacting our industry.
Our main objective for the magazine remains the same: to provide the entire supply chain with the information they need to stay competitive and to succeed. Our contributors include industry and publishing professionals who share a passion for our industry. Their insights and expertise will enhance your knowledge to help you stand out among your competition.
You also will see a completely new website at hardwoodfloorsmag.com. This digital version of the magazine provides the same type of in-depth content as the print version. Best of all, you can access it from anywhere in the world, on any electronic device.
These changes expedite our ability to address technical and business issues we see happening in the marketplace through our ongoing work educating installers. The management transition also allows advertising proceeds to be invested directly back into our industry.
These changes present tremendous opportunities for NWFA and its members. We encourage you to share your ideas with us about what you’d like to see covered within these pages. Your feedback will shape the future of Hardwood Floors Magazine and our industry as a whole.